Sunday, May 26, 2024

Three Verses--One Hymn

The author is unknown; the text was translated by Irvin M. Udulutsch. Set to the tune Gott Vater Sei Gepriesen, it is a simple expression one of the Church's great mysteries. Ask St. Augustine.


1 O God, almighty Father,
Creator of all things,
The heavens stand in wonder,
While earth your glory sings.

O most holy Trinity,
Undivided unity,
Holy God, mighty God,
God immortal, be adored!

2 O Jesus, Word incarnate,
Redeemer most adored,
All glory, praise, and honor;
Be yours, O sov'reign Lord. [Refrain]

3 O God, the Holy Spirit,
Who lives within our soul,
Send forth your light and lead us
To our eternal goal. [Refrain]

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