Friday, July 05, 2019

An Age Of Variety

I got here.



Writing these posts about the most important event in my has always been an act of gratitude. They are a reminder to me to be thankful for the greatest natural gift God will ever give. (The greatest supernatural gift He has bestowed upon me is the gift of Faith.) And while I grumble and grouse about where I am in my life and how I got here, deep down I know how blessed I am to be alive.

Be humble or be humbled. With our fallen nature, it is the lesson we all need to learn continually. I hope you don't have as hard of a head and heart as I do. Maybe that's why I seem to be stuck. (By the way, there is a pass/fail test at the end of this class called life. Here's hoping I pass.)

What blessings or crosses God has in store for me the next twelve months is beyond my knowledge, understanding, or control. I have to be like St. Paul. There is more than enough grace to get me to it and through it.

The next year of my life begins at the moment the this post appears.

May God grant me the ability to say, "I got here. Again. Alleluia."

When that time comes next year.