To me, the least of all the saints, is given this grace, to preach among the Gentiles, the unsearchable riches of Christ, And to enlighten all men, that they may see what is the dispensation of the mystery which hath been hidden from eternity in God, who created all things: That the manifold wisdom of God may be made known to the principalities and powers in heavenly places through the church, According to the eternal purpose, which he made, in Christ Jesus our Lord: In whom we have boldness and access with confidence by the faith of him.
Responsorial Psalm: Psalm 37:30a; V. 3-4, 5-6, 30-31
R. The mouth of the just shall meditate wisdom:V. Trust in the Lord, and do good, and dwell in the land, and thou shalt be fed with its riches.Delight in the Lord, and he will give thee the requests of thy heart.V. Commit thy way to the Lord, and trust in him, and he will do it.And he will bring forth thy justice as the light, and thy judgment as the noonday.V. The mouth of the just shall meditate wisdom: and his tongue shall speak judgment.The law of his God is in his heart, and his steps shall not be supplanted.
Gospel Reading: John 15:9-17
As the Father hath loved me, I also have loved you. Abide in my love. If you keep my commandments, you shall abide in my love; as I also have kept my Father's commandments, and do abide in his love. These things I have spoken to you, that my joy may be in you, and your joy may be filled. This is my commandment, that you love one another, as I have loved you. Greater love than this no man hath, that a man lay down his life for his friends. You are my friends, if you do the things that I command you. I will not now call you servants: for the servant knoweth not what his lord doth. But I have called you friends: because all things whatsoever I have heard of my Father, I have made known to you. You have not chosen me: but I have chosen you; and have appointed you, that you should go, and should bring forth fruit; and your fruit should remain: that whatsoever you shall ask of the Father in my name, he may give it you. These things I command you, that you love one another.
The reading from the USCCB can be found here.