Saturday, December 02, 2017

Less Prep Time

Last year, we had four full weeks.

This year, because December 24 falls on Sunday, we are "missing" six days.

It's a moot point.

Advent is here.

Regardless of its length, the time to "prepare the way of the Lord" so we can "see the salvation of our God" is at hand.

Readying ourselves for the birth of Jesus seems much easier than readying ourselves for His death (Lent). We are missing the point. Both "purple" seasons are about new life; we look forward to the two biggest solemnities of the year (the Incarnation and the Resurrection) and give renewed effort to "make straight His path" to our hearts and souls. The work of the interior life is just that. But we must make the time to make the work to make it work.

So amid the decorating (the first thing should be the Advent wreath), the gifting, the baking, and the partying should be praying, meditating, contemplating, and sacramental doing. Balancing Mary and Martha is always a challenge. But by paying attention to the "reason for the season", we hope not to issue the veiled complaint of Martha and instead have "the better portion".

Find the time to watch and wait, like the Blessed Virgin Mary. (If you think about it, her "advent" was nine months long.) Let the Holy Spirit be the true "spirit of the season". Prepare a place for the Christ Child, unlike the inn keeper.

Do it soon.

This year, you don't have a lot of time.

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