Wednesday, September 14, 2016

PM: Gradual Tuesdays--25th. Sunday Of Ordinary Time

There are three choices; one for each of the Cycles.
The Lord is close to all who call to him, who call on him in the sincerity of their hearts.
V. My mouth shall speak the praises of the Lord, let all flesh bless his holy name.
Ps.144:18; V. 21
We revisit the Gradual from the Fourth Sunday of Advent. While it reminds us of the approaching Nativity of the Lord, this reminds us He is no farther away from us when we call to Him from the depths of our being.
Let my prayer ascend like incense in your presence, O Lord.
V. May the lifting up of my hands be an evening sacrifice.
This is also the Gradual for the 32nd. Sunday of Ordinary Time. May our supplications rise as a pleasing fragrance to God; our actions be acceptable gifts to Him.
Who is like the Lord our God who dwells on high and looks down on that which is humble in heaven and on earth?
V. He raises the need from the earth and lifts up the poor out of the mire.
Ps. 112:5, 6, 7
Another look at the Gradual from the 4th. Sunday of Ordinary Time. There is no other than God Who looks upon His creation in love, and with His infinite riches satisfies our every need.

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