Sunday, April 02, 2006

Tributes To John Paul II

Today is the one-year anniversary of the death of His Holiness, John Paul II.

The 'blogosphere remembers well. So, I will just send you to those links I have found.

The Anchoress has lots of links.

Domenico Bettinelli looks back.

Rich Leonardi answers a question Amy Welborn asks at Open Book.

The Shrine of The Holy Whapping runs not one, not two, but three posts.

Moneybags at A Catholic Life runs this. Also in this fine 'blog were a novena to JPII and a four- part tribute (I, II, III, IV) entitled "John Paul Lives On".

"Well done, good and faithful servant."

(UPDATE) Owen at Luminous Mysteries II offer a perspective as a convert who was deeply influenced by the Marian devotion of JPII.

Jeff Miller also serves some links.

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