The time has come once again.
The country once again remembers the landmark decisions made by the United State Supreme Court this day in 1973. The highest judiciary of this land deemed, in Roe v. Wade and Doe v. Bolton, that a woman could legally end her pregnancy via abortion. On that day as well the first March For Life was held.
Fifty-two years later, that demonstration still takes place. (It will happen on Friday this year.) It has grown in magnitude and stature ever since, spawning marches at state capitals and other sites around the country and world. The only other event with such gravitas is the Walk For Life West Coast, held in San Francisco, CA since 2005. (It will happen on Saturday this year.)
The reason still remains the same. It is the affirmation of the dignity and worth of every human being, starting at conception. It is the appreciation and valuing of motherhood (and, indirectly, fatherhood) and children. It is a reminder of how precious and beautiful life and living is.
With the recent inauguration of Mr. Donald J. Trump for his second term as President of the United States, the pro-life forces are once again buoyed by an ally in the White House, as demonstrated by his actions in his first term. The pendulum will once again swing towards them, as opposed to the actions of the last occupant of the Oval Office, Mr. Joseph R. Biden, Jr., who did everything in his power for the pro-abortion faction.
{I have used in the past the term "poor-(pro-)choice" to describe those who want unrestricted access to abortion at any time during pregnancy. This will be the last time I will use that phrase. I have been persuaded by the commentary of the pro-life side and the actions of the pro-abortion side that they do not want "choice". They have even dropped that label from their statements. Therefore, that moniker is no longer accurate.}
The abortion issue is still the largest battle front in the culture war. Evident since Dobbs v. Jackson Women's Health Organization, the Supreme Court decision that overturned Roe and Doe, the country has seen numerous legislative initiatives at both state and federal levels to establish what limits are allowed. Each side has seen what they deem to be success. But the argument (in its negative connotation) still literally rages, with no end in sight and no resolution to be had.
So what happens this weekend is still necessary. It is, in a way, the pro-life's New Year's Eve. We come together to celebrate our successes and renew our resolution. We gather to be inspired and reinvigorated. We congregate at places of power and centers of help and hope to bear witness to our cause.
We come to affirm the words found in Deuteronomy (30:15, 19b):
See, I have today set before you life and good, death and evil....I have set before you life and death, the blessing and the curse. Choose life, then, that you and your descendants may live.
We continue to "Choose Life".