Thursday, April 18, 2019

Fulfilling The Baptist's Cry

Since Ash Wednesday, we have been preparing.

We prepared with our prayers, that we may be more receptive to God's Word. We prepared with our fasting, that we may know God will fill any void. We prepared with our almsgiving, that we make manifest God's love to the world.

Then we prepared the way into Jerusalem with our palms and cloaks. Then we prepared the body in anticipation of His death. Then we prepared to betray Him.

Now, we enter the Sacred Triduum. But we are not done with our preparation. Far from it.

We must prepare the Upper Room. We must prepare the Passover banquet. We must prepare ourselves for what is to come.

We must prepare to hand Him over. We must prepare for His trials, the two legalistic ones as well as what He endure along the way. We must prepare for His sentencing. We must prepare for His execution.

We must prepare for His death. We must prepare for His burial. We must prepare for His proper entombment.

So, there is still much to do over the next three days. I encourage you to attend as many of the liturgies and devotions as you are able. This can and should be the culmination of your preparation.

We can then hope all this preparation will help us be fruitful.

Then we shall be prepared for what happens "on the third day".

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