Saturday, September 12, 2015

X Marks The Date

It all started with this.

And to think it all started ten years ago.

Has it really been that long?


And, like the lyric from the Grateful Dead, "What a long, strange trip it has been."

It has not been easy. There have been times I have wanted to throw in the towel and have my infinitesimal corner of the universe be swallowed into the black hole of defunct 'blogs. Really, what did I have to offer in terms of a voice in this cacophony of chatter? Many of my posts have been laboriously crafted--clear thoughts took too long to develop, I rarely could add anything of substance to a topic, and my writing style is very elementary.  Add to this not having the desire to address the issues of the day and I can see how I was never cut out to be a decent, prolific amateur writer. (Again, a fedora doff to the pros.)

I look back and see at times (and more times than maybe prudent) this has become an on-line diary. It was never my intention to have it be that. But I do have to thank God for using this to intervene in my life when I had seemingly run out of options. And I thank what readership I do have for bearing with what amounts to venting on occasion.

But then I look back and see some thing of which I am proud to have penned. My meditations on the "O" Antiphons and the "Seven Last Words", my Christmas Eve Reflections, and my Independence Day tribute I consider my best work, meager offerings as they are. My touching upon some things regarding the liturgical calendar and highlighting some of the feast days celebrated have held some promise. And then there are the "obligatory" dates like January 22 and September 11; while efforts on those days have been hit and miss, there have been efforts to mark the occasion.

What I wrote in my first post is still true. This still is "a small, quiet voice for now. So many subjects, so little time!" Although I have narrowed my focus somewhat, now I have to have the courage of my convictions and do the hard work of research and writing. While I still won't let 'blogging interfere with my life, I hope it can continue to be part of it, despite the dearth of posts the past few years (at least I have been consistent in my inconsistency). I go back to a reference a 'blogger by the pseudonym of the Holy Fool said about me when I first started. May I fulfill that promise.

As it was "In The Beginning", is now, and ever shall be, until this 'blog comes to an end:  "Welcome to my infinitesimal corner of the universe."

Let's keep improving for the next ten years.

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