Sunday, April 13, 2014

Nine Times "Seven"

And so Palm Sunday arrives. Such an unusual Mass on this day, as we go from joyful acknowledgement in our "Hosanna's" to angry disdain in our "Crucify Him's" in the Liturgy of the Word, coloring the Liturgy of the Eucharist which follows. First we raise our palm branches, saluting Him; then we raise a Cross, sacrificing Him.

Humans are such a fickle creature, no?

With Holy Week upon us, I humbly offer again my brief meditations on the "Seven Last Words" of Christ as He hung upon the Cross.  For the next seven days inclusive, the final thoughts of our Lord and Savior come to the fore. I hope each post will allow you to contemplate on what this act of redemption means in your life, to add to what little I have said.

Jesus leads us outside the walls of Jerusalem.

There He will deliver an even more elegant "sermon" on a mount.

For those who have eyes to see and ears to hear; let us follow the Master to Calvary.

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