Tuesday, March 04, 2014

Off To Work?

"How's the job hunt going?"

Funny you should ask.

I have some good news and some bad news.

The good news is I did land a part-time job last November.  I work for a company that demonstrates various foods and other products in a members-only wholesale warehouse.  It's only one, maybe two days a week, but at least it's something.  It's allowing me to re-establish some of my job skills and demonstrate I am still employable.


The bad news is another opportunity went awry.  Shortly before Thanksgiving I interviewed for a position in a call center for a major home improvement center, one which would involve assisting customers with their on-line purchases.  Shortly after the new year began, I accepted their offer of employment.  I started a training program at the end of January, with the goal of transitioning to take calls in five weeks.  The classroom work went OK.  But putting on a headset proved to be an entirely different matter.  Whether I really don't have the personality to do something like that or lack the courage to overcome the difficulties (and yes, dear Brutus, I know where lies the fault), I was struggling to keep my composure.  Thirty minutes into my shift yesterday, after almost breaking down in tears again, and despite the best intentions of those who were in charge of this portion of the training, encouraging me to keep at it, I decided to walk away.

The self-doubt still resides.  It won't go away until I put myself in the right situation.  "Go Forward" is the only option.

Back to the drawing board.

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