Tuesday, July 05, 2011

Perfectly Squared Day

As the Barry Manilow song goes, "Looks like we made it."

I speak, of course, of my "coming out" party 49 years ago.

The most significant milestone in my life is once again being acknowledged; because without this one, there would not be any at all.

First, foremost, and always, I am thankful for being. Existing is a good thing; the first option of Hamlet's question is the right answer. God knows I should be more grateful for that, considering how things could be going.

Yet God knows how much of an Augustinian heart I have. I find it so ironic the number of years I have been alive is now the same as the number of full months I have been without a job. I know Jesus said to only worry about today, but it is so hard when the few bills I have can't be paid. And the Devil knows of that insecurity all too well. Thank God there is more than enough grace to overcome being hopelessly despondent.

The motto of this 'blog and its owner has been "Go Forward." There are days when I think I do; there are days when I just hold my ground; there are days when reverse seems to be the direction. At times the cross you carry is an easy yoke; at times you have Simeon along; at times it fells you. Yet, it is with you always.

Such is each individual's via crucis, this experience called life. There is no living without dying, but there is no dying without rising. Is this not the true meaning of being an "Easter people," in the words of Blessed John Paul II? Is this not what we are called to do according to the prayer ascribed to St. Francis of Assisi? How can we be fruitful unless we become a seed scattered and sown?
"Grow old along with me! The best is yet to be, the last of life, for which the first was made. Our times are in his hand who saith, "A whole I planned, youth shows but half; Trust God: See all, nor be afraid!'"
Robert Browning
I pray the best is yet to come.

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