Today is now nationally known as "Patriots Day" (with, I hope, some apologies to the people of Massachusetts and the original).
It is a day we wish we could forget.
It is a day we cannot forget.
Without a doubt, this will be the topic on 'blogs today. I encourage my small readership to peruse those posts which interest you. My offering on this day will be my posts from last year:
Time And Place
Remembering Flight 93
Rally Time
Images Of Hope
So many prayer intentions from this moment. Remember these if you would:
1. The souls of all who died.
2. Those who still mourn.
3. Those who seek a just solution.
4. Forgiveness toward our enemies.
5. Our enemies (didn't Someone command us to do this?).
6. The courage to continue the fight.
7. Peace.
May we honor this day in a noble and dignified manner.