Thursday, March 03, 2016

PM: Offertory Thursdays--4th. Sunday Of Lent

Two choices are here for our consideration.
Praise the Lord, for he is loving; sing in honor of his name, for he is gracious. He has accomplished whatever he resolved to do in heaven and on earth. 
Ps. 134:3, 6
We acknowledge the power and might of God. These attributes shine forth when His love, mercy, and graciousness are on display.
Enlighten my eyes lest I fall into the sleep of death; lest my enemy say: "I have prevailed against him." 
Ps. 12:4, 5
Used when the Gospel is the Parable of the Prodigal Son (Cycle C). We ask God "that we may see". Unlike Adam and Eve when their eyes were "opened", we ask for the grace to choose the good and not let sin triumph.

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