Thursday, July 04, 2013

Prayers For A Nation

Today ends the United States Catholic Conference of Bishops' "Fortnight For Freedom" campaign, which consisted of a series of prayers, reflections, and public activities to promote the defending of religious freedom as truly framed in the First Amendment of the Constitution of the United States.  I don't know how much your parish or diocese participated, but I hope it did some things.

Fr. John Zuhlsdorf at "What Does The Prayer Really Say" posts on a prayer composed by the first Bishop of the United States, Archbishop John Carroll of Baltimore.  As one of his commenters noted, it makes a great template for the Universal Prayers.

Our country needs intercession more than ever.

Perhaps some of these could find their way into your prayer life.

Immaculate Mary, patroness of the United States of America, pray for us.


Originally posted 7/4/2012.

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