Sunday, December 31, 2006


I wrote this a year ago, from the post titled "Whereas...Be It Resolved":
Stay tuned; 2006, I hope, will be much better.
It was.

But it had to get worse before it did.

Obviously, that was the low point of the past twelve months. The apex was just a few days later. And about two weeks after that, the intercession of St. Anthony of Padua was answered

What an amazing, incredible, merciful (literally, full of mercy) three weeks. Everything else pales in comparison. Yes, I did Go Forward. Small steps, but in the right direction.

The fear of which I spoke is still there. This dragon must be slain. So, again, I continue with the same New Year's resolution of the past two years.

And why not? God is not finished with me. I make no bold predictions. As it is in the "Our Father," we are only given "us this day." All I pray is that I may continue to listen for the voice of God as did Elijah.

They are the hardest four words of Christianity: "Thy will be done."

"Be it done unto me according to thy word."

See you next year!

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