The pro-life events last year had many celebratory moments. But in the back of everybody's mind was the stark reality this SCOTUS decision, while a major victory, now made the pro-life challenge even more daunting. In fact it became at least 50 times difficult. All this did was now return the legal question to the states. (Nor has it entirely stopped the federal government's attempts to enshrine this so-called right into law on a national level.)
In the over 18 months since Dobbs took effect, the battles have increased and intensified in individual state legislatures, courts, and ballot boxes. And it is easier to keep score. Progress or regression has more measurables now--the passing of laws, rulings, or constitutional amendments at the state level. But the color representing those achievements still remains the same. Unfortunately, depending on your political persuasion, the country can still be colored red or blue regarding this. It is just becoming more clearer which hue goes where.
What does this mean for the pro-life movement? In a sense, it is still more of the same. The changing of hearts and minds continues. Limited resources are more stretched. There are more threats of violence to those whose voices are raised loud enough to be effectively heard. And there is still the bully pulpit that is 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue in Washington, DC, where the current occupant has perhaps staked his entire political career (some of a religious nature would opine at the cost of his soul) on cementing his legacy with this issue.
The response is still the same. More prayer and fasting (for this is a spiritual battle as well); more speaking the truth in love (for the opposition is still winning the war of words); more grassroots efforts (for this is where the pro-life movement is most effective); more visible signs of support for not only mother (and father?) and child but those who have been scarred by this act (for true compassion is shown in loving deeds). This is what we do best: offer authentic hope and love.
We are 366 days from inaugurating the next President of the United States. But we can't be assured of that person's support; we have seen what the political tides do to this issue. We still have to pray as if it were up to God and work as if it were up to us.
And both are right to do.