As I have done since the inception of this 'blog, I gratefully acknowledge the first and best natural gift I have received: existence. Yet despite "all its sham, drudgery and broken dreams," it is still worthy of being. Have I made the best of it? Not by a long shot; "what if" is a game I play way too often. I still curse the darkness too much instead of lighting a candle. But by realizing I have fallen short of the glory of God, understanding the many times I haven't done His will, I can continue "with the help of Thy grace" to pursue metanoia, knowing perfection on earth is a worthy struggle. There is still a lot of Augustinian resistance, however. As I have said before, the four hardest words in Christianity are "Thy will be done."
I thank God "I am fearfully, wonderfully made."
In Him do I "live and move and have my being."
May I strive in the next twelve months to be more of the creature the Creator intended me to be.