Wednesday, August 01, 2012

Yard Sale?

Fr. John Zuhlsdorf, 'blogging priest extraordinaire, has been on a sorting spree as of late.

This post reveals some of the treasures he has.

The related combox expressions have been, so far, of "salvage what can be salvaged."

My two cents (grammatically correct here):
...As large a readership as you have, there must be people will(ing) to do the necessary repairs/replications as a “labor of love” and/or able to purchase these vestments from you.   
I challenge your followers: Save what can be saved.
For those 'bloggers out there with a wider audience than me, help spread the word.

UPDATE 8/3/2012:  And the beat goes on.

August 2012 Morning Offering Prayer Intentions

Here are the intentions for this month when reciting the Morning Offering:
General:  Prisoners.  That prisoners may be treated with justice and respect for their human dignity. 
Mission:  Youth Witness to Christ.  That young people, called to follow Christ, may be willing to proclaim and bear witness to the Gospel to the ends of the earth.