Wednesday, February 22, 2012

From Dust To Glory

Without the Cross, there can be no empty Tomb.

Without Good Friday, there can be no Easter Sunday.

Without Sacrifice, there can be no Redemption.

Without Death, there can be no Resurrection.

And so we enter Lent, the Church's built-in forty day spiritual retreat.  A time set aside to contemplate the true meaning of why Jesus came into the world:  to save us from sin.  A time for self-examination as to what prevents us from being more authentic disciples.  A time to focus on denying self, taking up our cross, and following the Way, the Truth, and the Life.  A time of fasting so we can truly savor the Eucharistic feast.  A time of almsgiving so we can truly purchase the Pearl of Great Price.  A time of prayer so we can truly announce "Alleluia".

Roughly a quarter of the calendar year to assist us in our journey to eternal life.

Let us pray for a spiritual harvest of thirty-, sixty-, or even a hundred-fold.

Sunday, February 05, 2012

The Last Grandparent

My mother called me about an hour ago.  She told me at about 7:50 PM CT her mother, my grandmother, had just past away.

Viola (Nawrocki) Sheely was 92.

She was the last of my grandparents to leave this mortal coil.  I have no memories of my paternal grandmother; the best memory of my paternal grandfather was his funeral.  Both died while I was rather young; therefore, the lack of knowledge.  But I grew up visiting my maternal grandparents for many Easters, Thanksgivings, and Christmases, plus the family reunions on that side of the family.  This is where I learned how the "domestic church" became the "domestic diocese".

Funeral services are pending, but my guess it will be this Friday or Saturday.

Please pray for the repose of her soul.

Requiem in pace.

Wednesday, February 01, 2012

February 2012 Morning Offering Prayer Intention

Here are the intentions for this month when reciting the Morning Offering:
General:  Access to Water. That all peoples may have access to water and other resources needed for daily life. 
Mission:  Health Workers. That the Lord may sustain the efforts of health workers assisting the sick and elderly in the world’s poorest regions.