Saturday, November 29, 2014

The Way To Prepare, Again

Once again, we cry, "Maranatha!"

Once again, a variation of this appears on our dining room table.

Then, almost without warning, these make their presence known.

Yes, Advent is here. While we make all the material preparations for Christmas, the spiritual ones also command our attention. And so the next "four" weeks are set aside, corresponding with Israel's wait for the Messiah as foretold by the Prophets.

The theme is one of repentance, echoed in the ministry of St. John the Baptist. While not as severe as Lent, it is still a reminder of how sin, Original and individual, still mars the creation of God and the reason Jesus Christ came into this world.

Like the Blessed Virgin Mary, we are in the last days of our confinement. She, who has carried Him within her womb for the past eight months, will soon be delivered. May this Advent Season be filled with every grace and blessing as we await with joyful hope for the Prince of  Peace, which surpasses all telling, and the King of Love, which knows no bounds.

May we truly be ready to do this.

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